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   Terms & Conditions for using the Tracks & Waypoints
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By using and downloading the tracks and waypoints supplied, you agree to, and will abide by the following:

- We take no responsibility for the correctness of the data, and will assume no responsibility for any loss of time, effort, or material.

- The data is provided as is. All efforts have been made to insure the data is correct, nevertheless, no fitness of purpose is implied or guaranteed.

- The Mapsource software, and base material are copyrighted by Garmin.

- The data points have been collected by us, either personally or through other sources.

- Use at your own risk, and enjoy.

- You are welcome to re-distribute the data, non-commercially, under the same conditions noted here. An acknowledgement would be appreciated.

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For comments or corrections, or clarifications please let me know at: Fernweh Adventures


Please read this carefully. Neither I nor Fernweh Adventures will be held responsible for anything. You use the data provided at your own risk.


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